Photo Gallery of Department of Zoology / Activities Conducted
Wildlife Photo Exhibition at Dept. of Zoology by famous Wildlife Photographer Mr. Anant Sarode from Aranyani Bioconservation Society
Lecture Delivered by Dr. S.A. Gurule at Nandur Madhyameshwar Bird Sanctuary

Lecture delivered by Ms. J.A. Rajput on Sparrow Conservation on Occasion of World Sparrow Day and Nest Preparation activity
Mothing event conducted and Lecture delivered by Dr. S.A. Gurule at HPT & RYK College, Nashik on occasion of Moth Week

Guest Lecture by AREAS foundation on Zero Snakebite Awareness Campaign
Guest Lecture on Snake and Workshop on preventive measure after snake Bite by VJSS
Lecture Delivered by Dr. S.A. Gurule on AIDS Awareness on occasion of World AIDS Day
Lecture Delivered on HIV and AIDS for Red Ribbon Club Nashik by Dr. S.A. Gurule
Insect Curation and labelling for Database creation of Insect Fauna of College Campus for Green Audit Report
Wildlife Photo Exhibition at Department of Zoology

MoU Signing and releasing event with AEREAS foundation with Department of Zoology